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trovertible facts that each woman who sought employment came up against. Industry had never been arranged for her needs or her convenience.


Now it's being made over, actually made over! Already woman wins this victory in the Great War. Don't we all of us know industries where there hasn't been so much as a nail to hang a woman's hat on, where it wouldn't be spoiled, let alone a room in which she could wash her hands, or change her working clothes? But go through Europe now and you will scarcely find any place they haven't tried the best they could to fix up for woman's occupancy. She shall have the nicest hook that they can find to hang her hat on. She shall have a whole cupboard, a locker to keep it in, if she'll only put it there to-day. And oh, ladies, all of you listen, there's even a mirror to see if it's on straight! Just a little while ago I stood in a factory "somewhere in France," where they had built a beautiful retiring room with lavatories and hot and cold water and a row of shining white enamelled sinks. And one day of course some thoughtful woman had brought in her handbag a piece from her cracked looking-glass and fastened it on the wall between two tacks, you know the way you would? A little later, the superintendent of the factory saw it there: "I sent right out," he told me himself with feeling, "and bought this one." And he showed me with pride the full length plate-glass mirror that hung on the wall