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it just the way a government says it: "In considering the physical capacity of a woman factory worker," the Home Office directs, "it should be remembered that her body is physiologically different from and less strongly built than that of a man. It is desirable that the lifting and carrying of heavy weights and all sudden violent or physically unsuitable movements in the operation of machines should so far as practicable be avoided. Often a simple appliance or the alteration of a movement modifies an objectionable feature when it does not altogether remove it. When standing is absolutely unavoidable, the hours and spells of employment should be proportionately short, and seats should be available for use during the brief pauses that occasionally occur while waiting for material or the adjustment of a tool."

There is one further instruction: "The introduction of women into factories where men only have hitherto been employed will necessitate some rearrangement in the way of special attention to the fencing of belts, pulleys and machine tools."

Well, there are now some ninety-six trades and some 1,701 processes in which the workshop has been gotten ready like this, and woman labour has beeen introduced. You see how easily it has all been brought about now, when every one, instead of putting their heads together on How can we keep the women out, is planning eagerly, How can we get the women in.

And do you know that Mrs. Black cannot so much