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certain district where ordinary factory operatives were scarce, obtained many married women by arranging the hours of work to suit household exigencies. In one department these hours were from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., while another branch was kept going by two shifts of women, one set working from 7 a. m. to midday, and the other from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m." Also a memorandum from the Health of Munition Workers' Committee says: "It is the experience of managers that concessions to married women such as half an hour's grace on leaving and arriving, or occasional 'time off' is not injurious to output, as the lost time is made good by increased activity."


You see now, there is practically no reason left why a woman shouldn't work outside her home if she wants to. Such a nice place has been made for her in industry, and she's getting along so well. Let's take the British Government's word for it. The Adjutant General to the Forces in the report on "Women's War Work in Maintaining the Industries and Export Trade of the United Kingdom" announces, "Women have shown themselves capable of successfully replacing the stronger sex in practically every calling."

It was before the war that the great feminist, Olive Shreiner, wrote her book which has been called the Bible of the woman movement. In it occurs a memorable statement: "We claim all labour for