Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/122

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was received in Italy and she made her first successes there, most of her works have been exhibited in London, under the impression that she was better understood in England

Annoyed by the commendation of her pictures " as the work of a woman," she signed a number of her canvases Antonio Brandeis. Although she painted religious subjects for churches, her special predilection is for views of Venice, preferably those in which the gondola appears. She has studied these in their every detail. "II canale Traghetto de' San Geremia" is in the Museum Rivoltella at Trieste. This and "Il canale dell' Abbazia della Misericordia " have been much commended by foreign critics, especially the English and Austrians. Other Venetian pictures are "La Chiese della Salute," "II canale de' Canalregio," and "La Pescaria."

Breslau, Louisa Catherine. Gold medal at Paris Exposition, 1889; gold medal at Paris Exposition, 1900. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1901, Member of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. A Swiss artist, who made her studies at the Julian Academy under Robert-Fleury. She has painted many portraits. Her picture "Under the Apple-Tree" is in the Museum at Lausanne; the "Little Girls" or "The Sisters" and the "Child Dreamer"—exhibited at Salon, 1902 — are in the Gallery of the Luxembourg; the "Gamins," in the Museum at Carpentras; the " Tea Party," at the Ministry of the Interior, Paris.

At the Salon of 1902 Mile. Breslau exhibited six pict-