Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/223

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the Economic Society of Valencia. In the Provincial Museum is her picture of the "Two Smokers."

Granby, Marchioness of. Replies as follows to circular: "Lady Granby has been written about by Miss Tomlinson, 20 Wigmore Street, London, W. And I advise you if you really want any information to get it from her. V. G."

I was not "really" anxious enough to be informed about Lady Granby—who drops so readily from the third person to the first—to act on her advice, which I give to my readers, in order that any one who does wish to know about her will be able to obtain the information!

Grant, Mary R. This sculptor studied in Paris and Florence, as well as in London, where she was a pupil of J. H. Foley, R.A. She has exhibited at the Royal Academy since 1870. She has executed portraits of Queen Victoria, Georgina, Lady Dudley, the Duke of Argyll, Mr. C. Pamell, M.P., and Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A.

Her memorial work includes a relief of Dean Stanley, Royal Chapel, Windsor; and a relief of Mr. Fawcett, M.P., on the Thames Embankment. The late Queen gave Miss Grant several commissions. In Winchester Cathedral is a screen, on the exterior of Lichfield Cathedral a number of figures, and in the Cathedral of Edinburgh a reredos, all the work of this artist. At the Royal Academy, 1903, she exhibited a medallion portrait in bronze.

Gratz, Marie. Born at Karlsruhe, 1839. This portrait painter was a pupil of Bergmann, and later of Schick and Canon. Among her best-known portraits are those