Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/273

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clasp a hand of both, so that each imagined himself the cavalier of her choice."

When Angelica could rise above the unhappiness and mortification of her infatuation for the so-called De Horn, she devoted herself to her art, and during twelve years supported her father and herself and strengthened the friendships she had gained in her adopted land. At length, in 1781, her father's failing health demanded their return to Italy; and now, when forty years old, she married Antonio Zucchi, an artist who had long loved her and devoted himself to her and to her father with untiring affection.

The old Kauffman lived to visit his home in Schwarzenburg and to reach Southern Italy, but died soon after.

Signor Zucchi made his home in Rome. He was a member of the Royal Academy, London, and was in full sympathy with his wife in intellectual and artistic pursuits and pleasures. De Rossi says: "It was interesting to see Angelica and her husband before a picture. While Zucchi spoke with enthusiasm Angelica remained silent, fixing her eloquent glance on the finest portions of the work. In her countenance one could read her emotions, while her observations were limited to a few brief words. These, however, seldom expressed any blame—only the praises of that which was worthy of praise. It belonged to her nature to recognize the beauty alone—as the bee draws honey only out of every flower."

Her home in Rome was a centre of attraction to the artistic and literary society of the city, and few persons of note passed any time there without being presented to