Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/323

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awarded prizes. In the Chapel of Relics in the new Cathedral at Cadiz are her "Martyrdom of St. Lawrence " and a "Mater Dolorosa."

Martineau, Edith. Associate of Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colors; member of the Hampstead Art Society. Born in Liverpool, where she made Tier first studies in the School of Art, and later became a pupil of the Royal Academy Schools, London.

Her pictures are not large and are principally figures or figures in landscape, and all in water-colors. She writes very modestly that so many are sold and in private hands that she will give no list of subjects.

Massari, Luigia. Medal at Piacenza, 1869, and several other medals from art societies. Born at Piacenza, 1810. Pupil of A. Gemmi. Her works are in a number of churches: "St. Martin" in the church at Alto6; "St. Philomena" in the church at Busseto; the "Madonna del Carmine" and "St. Anna" in the church at Monticelli d'Ongina. This artist was also famous for her beautiful embroidery, as seen in her altar-cloths, one of which is in the Guastafredda Chapel at Piacenza. The fmits and flowers produced by her needle are marvellously like those in her pictures.

Massey, Mrs. Gertrude. Member of the Society of Miniaturists. Born in London, 1868. Has studied with private teachers in London and Paris. This painter has made a specialty of miniatures and of pictures of dogs. She has been extensively employed by various members of the royal family, of whom she painted eleven miniatures, among which was one of the late Queen.