Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/374

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Cap," "Old Curiosity Shop," etc. At the Academy, 1903, she exhibited " Some Spring Flowers."

[No reply to circular.]

Peters, Anna. Medals at Vienna, 1873; London, 1874; Munich, 1876; Amsterdam and Antwerp, 1877. Born at Mannheim, 1843. Pupil of her father, Pieter Francis Peters, in Stuttgart. Miss Peters travelled over Europe and was commissioned to decorate apartments in the royal castles at Stuttgart and Friedrichshafen.

Her picture of "Roses and Grapes" is in the National Gallery, London; and one of "Autumn Flowers" in the Museum at Stuttgart.

Pillini, Margherita. An Italian painter living in Paris. Her most successful exhibitions have been those at Rome, in 1883, when her "Silk-cocoon Carder of Quimper"and "Charity" appeared; and at Turin, in 1884, when "The Three Ages," "The Poor Blind Man," and a portrait of the Prince of Naples were shown, all exquisite in sentiment and excellent in execution. The "Silk-cocoon Carder of Quimper" has been thus noticed by De Rengis: "If I am not mistaken, Signora Margherita Pillini has also taken this road, full of modernity, but not free from great danger. Her * Silk-cocoon Carder ' is touched with great disdain for every suggestion of the old school. Rare worth—if worth it is—that a young woman should be carried by natural inclination into such care for detail."

Pinto-Sezzi, Ida. Silver medal at the Beatrice Exposition, Florence, 1890. Since 1882 pictures by this artist have been seen in various Italian exhibitions. In the