Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/380

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The painting of flower pieces is a delightful art for man or woman, but so many such pictures which are by amateurs are seen in exhibitions—too good to be refused but not of a satisfactory quality—that one can scarcely sympathize with the critic who would have Mme. Preuschen paint other subjects than these charming blossoms, so exquisite in form and color, into which she paints so much delightful sentiment.

Puehn, Sophie. Born at Nuremberg, 1864. This artist studied in Paris and Munich and resides in the latter city. At the International Exhibition, Vienna, 1894, her portrait of a "Lady Drinking Tea" was praised by the critics without exception, and, in fact, her portraits are always well considered. That she is also skilful in etching was shown in her "Forsaken," exhibited in 1896.

Putnam, Sarah Goold. Member of the Copley Society. Born in Boston. Pupil in Boston and New York of J. B. Johnston, F. Duveneck, Abbott Thayer, and William Chase; in Scheveningen, of Bart. J. Blommers; and in Munich, of Wilhelm Dürr.

Miss Putnam's portrait of Hon. John Lowell is in the District Court Room in Post-Office Building, Boston; that of William G. Russell, in the Law Library in the Court House, Pemberton Square, same city; that of General Charles G. Loring, for many years Director of Boston Museum of Fine Arts, belongs to his family ; among her other portraits are those of Dr. Henry P. Bowditch, Francis Boott, George Partridge Bradford, Edward Silsbee, Mrs. Asa Gray, and Lorin Deland. In addition to