Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/387

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expressed the individual character and history of each of her subjects."

Mlle. Rapin has exhibited her works with success in Paris, Munich, and Berlin. The few specimens of her bas-reliefs which I have seen prove that did she prefer the art of sculpture before that of painting, she would be as successful with her modelling tools as she has been with her brush.

Rappard, Clara von. Second-class medal, London. Born at Wabern, near Berne, 1857. After studying with Skutelzky and Dreber, she worked under Gussow in Berlin. She spent some time in travel, especially in Germany and Italy, and then, choosing Interlaken as her home, turned her attention to the illustration of books, as well as to portrait and genre painting. In the Museum at Freiburg is her "Point-lace-maker." A series of sixteen "Phantasies" by this artist has been published in Munich.

Rath, Henriette. Honorary member of the Société des Arts, 1801. Born in 1772, she died in 1856 at Genf, where, with her sister, she founded the Mus6e Rath. She studied under Isabey, and was well and favorably known as a portrait and enamel painter.

Ream, Vinnie. See Hoxie.

Redmond, Frieda Voelter. Medal at the Columbian Exhibition, Chicago. Member of the Woman's Art Club. Born in Thun, Switzerland. Studies made in Switzerland and in Paris. A painter of flowers and still-life.

"Mrs. Redmond is a Swiss woman, now residing in New York. She has exhibited her works in the Paris