Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/86

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will produce that which is good." To this she remained faithful all her days.

Baldwin, Edith Ella. Born at Worcester, Massachusetts. Studied in Paris at Julian Academy, under Bouguereau and Robert-Fleury; at the Colarossi studios under Courtois, also under Julius Rolshoven and Mosler.

Paints portraits and miniatures. At the Salon of the Champ de Mars she exhibited a portrait in pastel, in 1901 ; at exhibitions of the Society of American Artists in 1898 and 1899 she exhibited miniatures; also pictures in oils at Worcester, 1903.

Ball, Caroline Peddle. Honorable mention at Paris Exhibition, 1900. Member of the Guild of Arts and Crafts and of Art Students' .League. Born at Terre Haute, Indiana. Pupil at the Art Students' League, under Augustus St. Gaudens and Kenyon Cox.

This sculptor exhibited at Paris a Bronze Clock. She designed for the Tiffany Glass Company the figure of the Young Virgin and that of the Christ of the Sacred Heart.

A memorial fountain at Flushing, Long Island, a medallion portrait of Miss Cox of Terre Haute, a monument to a child in the same city, a Victory in a quadriga, seen on the United States Building, Paris, 1900, and also at the Buffalo Exhibition, 1901, are among her important works.

Bañuelos, Antonia. At the Paris Exposition of 1878 several portraits by this artist attracted attention, one of them being a portrait of herself. At the Exposition of 1880 she exhibited "A Guitar Player."

Barrantes Manuel de Aragon, Maria del Cármen. Mem-