Page:Women of Ohio; a record of their achievements in the history of the state (Vol. I).djvu/343

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Mrs. Murray organized the Preble County Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1916 and was the president for six years. She has held district and state club offices, organized a Community Club in 1921, was a charter member of Whitewater Valley Grange and for a period of years was Juvenile Grange Organizer in six counties in Ohio. She was a charter member in Commodore Preble Chapter, D. A. R. organized in 1928, holds membership in the Order of the Eastern Star and organized the Sylvan Garden Circle in 1936 which has done a very great deal of community work and was the first woman to serve on the election board in the township.


RUTH S. NEIDIG (Mrs. Clarence Paul Neidig), national president of Pi Kappa Sigma Sorority, was born in Cincinnati, Oct. 1, 1894. She was educated at Simmons College and was graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a degree of Bachelor of Science in 1918.

Mrs. Neidig was elected national president of Pi Kappa Sigma in 1927 and will complete her administration in 1940. She served the organization as national treasurer, 1925-1927.

She has contributed to sorority magazines and includes among her affiliations, the American Association of University Women, which she served as educational chairman; the National Education Association, National Association of Deans of Women, and the Cincinnati Woman’s Club and The Crafters.

For a number of years she was a teacher of home economics in Cincinnati high schools and is active in the Home Economics Association and the Women’s Alumnae Association of the University of Cincinnati.

She is the daughter of Charles E. Sorin of Revolutionary descent and of Mary Rebecca Webb Sorin, of English parentage. The latter traces her ancestors back to the kings and queens of England.

The marriage of Ruth Sorin to Clarence Paul Neidig, manager of a motor company, took place Nov. 3, 1921.


CLAIRE S. NEWCOMER (Mrs. Chauncey L. Newcomer), president of the Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs, was graduated from Hillsdale College, Mich., and soon after entering the teaching profession was appointed professor of Latin and dean of women of Kenka College, New York. She was graduated from Hillsdale College, Mich., and soon after entering the teaching profession was appointed professor of Latin and dean of women of Kenka College, New York.

After her marriage to Chauncey L. Newcomer, an attorney of Bryan, 0., Mrs. Newcomer turned her fine ability and energy to various civic and social services.