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ried it to completion, raising by her own personal efforts every cent of the enormous cost of this industrial department.

That she is a truly great woman no one who knows of her work can deny. Her work at this school will stand for centuries as an imperishable monument to her memory and an inestimable blessing to her race long after the monuments of granite erected to the memory of the great men of this country shall have crumbled to the dust.

Mr. George W. Williams, the negro historian, has this to say of her:

Without doubt she is the most thoroughly competent and successful of the colored women teachers of her time, and her example of race pride, industry, enthusiasm and nobility of character will remain the inheritance and inspiration of the pupils of the school she helped make the pride of the colored people of Pennsylvania.

She has traveled extensively in this country and also in foreign countries, and is admired by all whom she meets. To know her is to simply admire her noble qualities of spirit and character.