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years in careful observation among the masses, a painful experience to see how little is known of our great women and their works. To assist in giving this information to our young people, that they may be the more proud of their ancestors and love more devotedly their race, is another part of our mission. And now, in addition to the debt of gratitude he owes those who have so kindly and ably contributed articles to this book, the author is also grateful to Rev. A. G. Davis, Mr. E. A. Johnson, Mr. George W. Williams, Mr. William Still, Mr. I. G. Penn, Mr. E. E. Cooper, Mrs. Christine S. Smith, Mrs. F. W. Titus, Mr. James M. Trotter, Mrs. N. F. Mossell, Mr. W. H. Council and others for valuable assistance rendered by themselves and their writings. While the preparation of this book has been a very arduous task, and might be regarded a presumption, it has nevertheless been a very pleasant duty. We have desired to be just, and as far as possible we have tried to avoid exaggerations. After all, however, we are aware that the book is by no means a perfect one. There are some whose lives should be mentioned herein that are not.

Much of this seeming negligence is due to a failure of some of the parties to respond, while some others we have not been able to reach after repeated trials.