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exceedingly instructive and interesting, and would occaionally find their way into public print, where, both in this country and England, they attracted considerable attention. But the space allotted for this sketch will barely admit of more than one-fifth of one of her private letters, dated "Palabala Station, Congo Independent State, S. W. Africa, June 6, 1890," which must suffice to indicate her attitude in the midst of her labors after having been in the field for more than three years.

Having a knowledge of photography and being equipped with instruments, which she had carried with her from Philadelphia, in writing home to friends she would occasionally send some original photographs for them to view. In the following extract containing reference to "pictures" it will readily occur to the reader what was signified in the allusion:

You must excuse the poor pictures; really they are not worth keeping a letter for. However, such as they are I gladly send you. I have made the study of the language and my mission work my first duty. Photography practice comes far apart, so I am proportionately far from perfection. Take the meaning they bring you and hope to get better ones next time.

When we parted in 1887 I hoped we should meet again this year. Well we never know to-day what to-morrow will bring forth.

Having been so well all along I began in time last year to entreat my Board to allow me to stay out five years. No lady has ever stayed out so long, but I am sure it can be done; I have only begun my real work. Until Miss Gordon came I had to be mother for our mission girls and teach our station school. This work she has taken and I have been able to do work among the town folks. My town school is not in a town, but by the public road-side, where the children from four towns have access to it. This takes up my mornings. In the afternoon, until lately, I teach an hour and give the rest of the time