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race take courage and with the faith, earnestness of purpose, trust in God, with a willingness to do with all their might whatever their hands find to do, as characterized in the brief and simple sketch of the life of Lulu C. Fleming.

Press on, working in this faith and trusting in Christ the Lord; no obstacles or mountains in the way will be too difficult to be removed.

And it is to be greatly desired that among the many faithful and true women whose portraits may be found sketched in this volume may issue a never-failing source of inspiration which shall prove of lasting benefit to millions of our struggling young women who are aiming for a higher and nobler womanhood.

William Still.



This lady of much ability was born in Mound City, Illinois, February 19, 1870. Her mother was a faithful and gifted school-teacher and writer, from whom her daughter received much inspiration in early life.

This daughter of poor parents, Charles and Laura Chapman, has gained quite a reputation with the pen. She has written in both prose and poetry for the leading race papers. Her first published poem appeared in the