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"Our men have bravely fought, and will,
When'er the time shall come;
But now we hear His 'Peace, be still!'
And stay within our home.

"Let but our people once unite,
Stand firmly as a race,
Prejudice, error, strong to fight.
Each here in his place.

"And not a favored few demand
Bribes of gold, position,
While many freemen in our land
Bewail their hard condition.

"Liberty, truly, ours will be,
And error pass away;
And then no longer shall we see
Injustice hold her sway.

"As Americans we shall stand,
Respected by all men;
An honored race in this fair land,
So praised by word and pen.

"And those to come will never know
The pain we suffered here;
In peace shall vow, in peace shall plow,
With naught to stay or fear."

Said Naomi: "You may be right;
God grant it as you say
I've often heard the darkest night
Gives way to brightest day."