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Your work shall live in thousands
You've taught the way of life;
We'll spread the glorious message
Despite opposing strife.

And she whom thou hast left us,
We'll keep with jealous care,
Lest Heaven takes her from us
Your joy and bliss to share.

Oh, God! do hear our pleadings,
And spare our dear Miss Giles,
That she may bring more lost ones
To know Thy love and smiles.

And daily bless our Spelman,
Enrich her by Thy love;
Grant that her girls and teachers
All meet in Heaven above.

Palabala Station, Congo Ind. State, S. W. Africa, January 3, 1892.

L. C. Fleming.



In condescending to choose human beings as his missionary messengers of love and mercy to the countless millions of earth God has not assigned them all to a circumscribed pulpit or church, either in heathen lands or in civilized countries, but has been pleased to send some of them to the poor in every land, even unto little children in our own "land of liberty."

He has said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not."