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rior of the other. The one will have thoughts, feelings and aspirsations which the other can neither sympathize with nor understand. That wife whose mind has been equally broadened and deepened, who is capable of giving wise counsels and judgments, and of intelligently aiding in the furtherance of their mutual aims, can alone be truly a helpmeet to her husband. "Verily, two cannot walk together except the}' be agreed." Many an eminent man attributes greatly his success to the clear head, as well as the loving heart, of the woman who is his wife. She is the power behind the throne, often more powerful than the monarch himself; hers may be the hand at the helm, moving noiselessly but most effectually. There are many unknown Caroline Herschels, quietly aiding a brother or a husband on to fame.

It is even more necessary that women be well educated than men, for they are to be the mothers of future generations. Men make laws and institutions, but women make men. The child in the hands of its mother is as clay in the hands of the potter. It is hers to "rear the tender mind," to direct the infant thought, to impress the growing character. There can be no higher mission than this, no more responsible position, no calling requiring greater knowledge and wisdom.

An ancient philosopher says: "The most important part of education is right training in the nursery. The soul of the child in his play should be trained in that sort of excellence in which when he grows up to manhood he will have to be perfected." The learned Bacon and the great Washington were equally indebted to their