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Women of The West

"Ode to Irrigation." On permanent Pioneer Commission of the State of Colorado. Has written a History of El Paso County. Officier de l'Instruction Publique. Internationally known for her exploratory and research work among the Colorado Cliff Dwellings. Explorer and creator of Mesa Verde National Park. U. S. Delegate to the Ethnological Congress of the Paris Exposition (1901). French Government awarded her the Gold Palm of the Academy. Since 1895, Regent-General of National Colorado Cliff Dwellings Ass'n. Member: Society of Mayflower Descendants, D. A. R., Society of Descendants of Colonial Governors. Clio Club of Denver (honorary), Chicago Historical Society (corresponding member). Travel Club, Anne Hathaway Shakespeare Club and several organizations. Summer Home: Custom House, Stonington, Conn. Home: 619 North Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Colorado.

McNEAL, Blanche Young (Mrs.), a native of Chicago, Illinois, daughter of Charles and Ruth Anna Young, a resident of Colorado for twenty years. Married to Frank McNeal. Children: Donald H. Instructor, University of Colorado. For seven years, teacher in University of Denver. Secured her training at the University of Chicago, University of Denver and Columbia University. Specializes in short story technique and criticism. Has contributed to Scientific American, Editor's Magazine, Literary Review, Harper's, etc. Member: Denver Women's Press Club, Authors' League of America, Alpha Gamma Delta, Why Club, University Ass'n. Home: 1640 Dahlia St., Denver, Colorado.
MEENS, Ona F., (Mrs.), born in Summerset, Kentucky, March 27, 1887, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. William Harrison Foley, former resident of Missouri, living in Colorado for the last 5 years. Married to Albert W. Meens. Children: David F., Ona Lou. General Secretary, Y. W. C. A. Former Physical director of Girls, Bethel College, Newton, Kansas; Junior College, Grand Junction, Colorado. General Secretary of Girls' Work, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska. At one time Extension teacher in "Child Training" and "Home Hygiene," Nebraska University; for seven years, director of summer camps for girls. Author: "The Twelfth Christmas," "Armistice Day," "My Son," "Principles of Child Training," "Home Making," "Character Building," poems and articles. Member: P. E. O. Sisterhood, Fortnightly Music Club, Monday Study Club, Business and Professional Women's Club. Home: Tri-Mountain Ranch, Grand Junction, Colo.
MILLER, Nellie Burget, (Mrs. L. A.), born in Fayette, Iowa, June 6, 1875, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Burget, resident of Colorado for the last 20 years. Married to Dr. L. A. Miller. Children: Dorothy, Arnold, Imogene. Writer and club lecturer. Education, Upper Iowa University B. S. Honorary Degree Master of Letters, State University of Colorado, 1924. Appointed Poet Laureate of Colorado by the Governor, 1922. Has held various local positions and been connected with civic affairs for many years. Organized state branch. League of American Penwomen, now honorary president; past president. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; chairman of Literature, General Fed., 1922-26; chairman of Fine Arts, 1926-28; speaker at state and national conventions. Author: "Earthen Bowls," (collected verse) "The Flame of God," "The Living Drama," "The Land Where the Good Dreams Grow" (juvenile play). Member: Drama League, League of American Penwomen, Poetry Society of America, Poetry Society of Great Britain, P. E. O. Sisterhood. Home: 1528 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo.
PARMENTER, Christine Whiting, (Mrs.), born in Plainfield, New Jersey, December 21, 1877, daughter of Frederic A. and Catherine Tracy Allen Whiting, former resident of Massachusetts, living in Colorado for the last 11 years. Married to Dr. Kenneth R. Parmenter (M. D.). Children: Catherine. Author. A writer of fiction for most of the leading magazines. Author: "Jean's Winter with The Warners," "Treasure at Shady Vale," "The Unknown Port," "The Real Reward," "One Wide River to Cross." Member: Authors' League of America. Home: 1208 Cheyenne Blvd., Colorado Springs, Colorado.
PERRY, Bertha Vaessen, (Mrs.), born in Denver, Colorado, July 23, 1895, daughter of Joseph G. and Rose Casper Vaessen, life-long residents of the state. Married to Harold Webster Perry. Lawyer. Assistant to General Attorney D. & R. G. W. Railroad Company; secretary and director of Women's Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce; director of Big Sister Organization; since 1920 on Committee of laws for women and children,