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Women of Nevada Interested In Politics
By Felice Cohn
(Attorney-at-Law, Reno)

What are all of Nevada women interested in? Well, primarily, as we are normal women we are interested in all the things that appeal to women the length and breadth of our country. In varying degrees, of course, according to our individual tastes, education and position—likewise, pocketbooks. Some of us married ones are devoted to our husbands, our families, our homes—a domestic life is the life for us. Some of us, married or unmarried, as the case may be, prefer less domesticity and have gone into the business world with marked success. A few outstanding ones have chosen professional careers and are gallantly fighting our way thru life. All this is interwoven with the usual social interests that include bridge, dancing, golf, organizations of all kinds from the frankly frivolous ones to the splendid study or welfare clubs that demand (and receive) much unselfish devotion on the part of the members.

Nothing unusual in all this. On the surface of things, at least the lives of us Nevada women appear much like the lives of our sisters in other states—broadened and sweetened, mayhap, by the splendid liberty that is ours.

But, no matter how varied our tastes may be; no matter whether we be homemakers or business women, or perhaps both (for we frequently combine these talents); no matter whether we be young or old, rich or poor, active or ailing, we have one great interest that appeals to us all. We are all sisters under the skin. There is one clarion call that we all respond to and one topic of conversation that never grows old or stale or loses interest, and that is Politics! Yes, Politics—capital "P" at that!

Not that we are all politicians or running for office or anything like that! Far from it, tho we have our quota of women politicians who perform their duties as well as any men could. But we are all just naturally interested in the subject of politics for the very simple and understandable reason that we know all, or nearly all, of our politicians personally. If we don't know them, we do know their families, or their in-laws! We have seen them; we have met them; we have talked to them and, like as not, we have entertained them in our homes. Often we have grown up with them and frequently, they are