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Women of The West

Dean of Women and Prof. of English in American Int. College, Springfield, Mass. (1905-06), and has also been an active social worker in Brooklyn, N. Y. Member: Mills Club Forum (honorary), Women's City Club, English-speaking Union, Civic Center. Home: 2299 Sacramento St., San Francisco, Calif.

KLUEGEL, Anne Jennings (Mrs. Harry), B. S., University of California, 1902, born March 24, 1880, in Amador County, California, daughter of George Choate and Nellie Green Jennings. Married to Major Harry Allardt Kleugel (U. S. A. R. C.) Children: Van Rensselaer Kleugel. Author and educator. Speaker and leader of round tables at universities, normal schools, conferences, presidential campaigns and women's clubs. Outstanding activities: founder of Butte County Red Cross Chapter; one of founders of American Junior Red Cross; several times delegate to national conventions of American Ass'n of University Women; assistant to Mrs. A. B. Spreckels in developing the Calif. Palace of The Legion of Honor. Member of the American Committee. International Child Welfare Conference, Brussels (1921). In charge of special investigation, U. S. Veterans Bureau (1921). Author: “Peace Program, Junior Red Cross, Pacific Division”. Co-author of American Red Cross manuals. Member: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Century Club of Calif., S. F. Center (on board of directors), American Ass'n of University Women (former president of S. F. Bay Branch), Oakland Forum (on Board of Directors), Berkeley Women's City Club, S. F. Women's City Club and several other organizations. Home: Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, Calif.

KNIGHT, Helen M., (Mrs. Edward Dexter), born in Virginia City, Nevada, daughter of James and Margie McCreadie, resident of California for the last 36 years. Married to Edward Dexter Knight. Children: Helen Margaret, Edna Christmas. Director, Women's Department, Bank of Italy. Past president, Corona Club, California Fed. of Women's Clubs; former director, Women's Division, Government Savings, 12th Federal Reserve District; organizer of first Woman's Banking Department in the West. President, S. F. Woman's Building Ass'n, Western Women's Club. Member: Corona Club, Western Women's Club, Presidents' Assembly. Home: 58 Woodland Ave., San Francisco, Calif.

KNIGHT, Samuel (Mrs.), born in San Francisco, California, daughter of Charles and Susan H. Holbrook. Married to Attorney Samuel Knight. Interested in civic affairs and matters of art. An ardent worker in the interest of hospitals and always ready to further musical talent and develop music in the community. Vice-presiident, Philharmonic Society of San Mateo. Formerly on board of directors of Francisca Club and Children's Hospital. Member: S. F. Civic Center and League of Women Voters, Francisca Club, Burlingame Country Club, San Mateo Polo Club, Hillsborough Garden Club. Home: Forest View Road, Burlingame, Hillsborough, Calif.

KNOX, Frances R. (Mrs.), born February 27, 1888, in Wooster, Ohio, daughter of James Dickey and Ida Underwood Robison, a resident of California for twenty-two years. Children: Josephine Frances, Harriette Martha. Official Court Reporter, Municipal and Superior Courts. Was the first woman to pass the Court Reporter's examination in Los Angeles County and became an official Reporter of the Superior Court in March, 1921; has since became official Reporter of Municipal Court and at present is the only woman official reporter qualified to report in both courts. Studies Law at the present time. First vice-president, L. A. Soroptimist Club. Member: Soroptimist Club, California Shorthand Reporters' Ass'n, National Shorthand Reporters' Ass'n, Sea Breeze Beach Club. Home: 1558 Ensley Ave., Westwood Hills, Los Angeles, Calif.

KRAMER, Peter J. (Mrs.), born in St. Peter, Minnesota, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Brown, a resident of California for twenty-two years. Married to Peter Joseph Kramer. Children: Lloyd Ferris. Active in club and civic affairs and very much interested in P. T. A. work; has held several important offices in P. T. A. organizations, including vice-president, California Congress of P. T. A. and chairman of several committees, serving her second term as a member of the Oakland Board of Education. At present, Chairman of Public Health Dept. of Oakland schools, appointed by State Superintendent of Schools. Member of State Committee on Revision of Forms for Registration of Minors. Director, Public Welfare League, organizer, vice-president and membership chairman of Oakland Women's City Club; this club has