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Women of The West

teacher; went into the shoe business, 1906, with her brother, A. L. Gude, and holds today an executive position in one of the largest and best-known shoe concerns on the Pacific Coast. Member: Woman's Athletic Club, Woman's City Club, L. A. Soroptimist Club. Home: 1608 Camden Parkway, South Pasadena, Calif.

MacDONALD, Laura Adrienne (Mrs. R. Q.), born in Park City, Utah, April 16, 1887. Daughter of Herbert Scott and Elizabeth A. Townsend, a resident of California for five years. Married to Rory Q. MacDonald. Children: Jack, Gordon, Bruce, Scott and Roderick. Pianist. Former church organist at Tonopah, Nevada. Former president of Tonopah Woman's Club and Tonopah P. T. A. Member: La Crescenta Woman's Club (president), Lincoln P. T. A. Home: Box 78, Highway Highlands, La Crescenta, Calif.

MADDUX, Edith Walker (Mrs. Parker S.), a native of Boston, Massachusetts, educated in Radcliffe College, Cambridge and in France. Married to Parker S. Maddux. Children: Jackson W., Meredith. Active in woman's club, political and civic affairs. Lecturer. Member of S. F. City Planning Commission; for 3 years president of S. F. Center of the California League of Women Voters. Appointed by Gov. Richardson on the Woman's Board of the Philadelphia Sesqui-Centennial Exposition. Relations which was held in Honolulu in 1925 (only 2 women members from the United States). Former member of Palo Alto School Board; very active in several organizations during the World War. Founder of Palo Alto Community Center. Has written one book and many magazine and newspaper articles, mostly on civic and historical subjects. Member: National Economic League, American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Council of Institute of Pacific Relations, D. A. R., Boston Woman's City Club, S. F. Woman's City Club. Home: 2868 Vallejo St., San Francisco, Calif.

MADISON, Elizabeth Syle (Mrs.), born at the American Consulate, Funchal, Madeira Islands, daughter of Louis DuPont and Edith Clara Wilkinson Syle, a resident of the state of California for 37 years. Director of school libraries. Librarian, Teachers' Professional Library, Oakland Public Schools (45 school libraries in the system). Was organizer and first librarian of El Centro, Cal., Public Library. Organizer of Oakland High School Library and Oakland Teachers' Professional Library. Studied at L. A. Training School and in Sacramento State Library. Member: Oakland Forum, California Library Ass'n., California School Libraries Ass'n., California Teachers' Association, American Library Ass'n., N.E.A. Home: 377 Lenox Ave., Oakland, Calif.

MAESCHER, Ada Bell (Mrs.), born January 24, 1868 in Indiana, daughter of Dr. W. R. and Mrs. Luvicey Harper, a resident of California for twenty-two years. Married to Victor E. Maescher. Children: Mrs. Roxye May Park. Has published five books on building industry and was for seventeen years president of De Luxe Building Co. At present, interested in Nature and Preservation of Bird Life. Member: Southern California Nature Club, Audubon Society, Cooper Club. Home: 4652 Mascot St., Los Angeles, Calif.

MAIN, Agnes T. (Mrs.), born in Boston, Massachusetts, July 24, 1895, daughter of John and Anna Samuel, a resident of California for several years. Married to Franklin Leslie Main. Children: Gertrude. Writer. Author: “The Voice in the Fog,” “Threads of Circumstance,” “Pawns of Fate,” “Out of the Night,” etc. Member: Woman's Club. Home: 2930 Paseo Tranquillo, Santa Barbara, Calif.

MANCHESTER, Lucile, (Mrs. O. B.) a native of Indiana, daughter of James and Margaret Hornbeck, for 38 years a resident of California. Married to Otis Byers Manchester. Children: Pauline, Francis Byers. Lecturer. Specializing in “Book Talks” to Women's Clubs. Former teacher; past president of South Pasadena Woman's Club. Member: Woman's Republican Club, P. E. O., O. E. S., South Pasadena Woman's Club and several literary organizations. Home: 2003 Milan Avenue, South Pasadena, Calif.

MANKER, Adda Bradford (Mrs. F. H.), born in Marengo, Iowa, 1876, daughter of Martin Van Buren and Ella V. Keyes Bradford, a resident of California for forty-five years. Married to Fletcher Hugh Manker. Children: F. Bradford, Viola Manker Benson, Hubert Lytle, C. William, Robert. Librarian. First president. Upland P. T. A.; first president, Upland B. and P. W. C; former president, San Bernardino County F. W. C; clerk of Upland Grammar School Board (11 years), president (1 year). Librarian, Upland Public Library (13 years), Chaf-