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Women of The West

der”. Member: P. E. N. Club, National Woman's Party, Phi Beta Kappa. Home: Oakland Tribune, Oakland, Calif.

MAY, Beulah, (Miss), born in Hiawatha, Kansas, a resident of Calif. for 20 years. Sculptor and writer. Has exhibited sculpture in various Calif. exhibitions and had poems published in various American and English magazines; poems have appeared in 12 anthologies. Member: Calif. Art Club, Sculptor's Guild of So. Calif., West Coast Arts, Woman's Press Club of So. Calif., Laguna Beach Art Ass'n, National Order of Bookfellows, Ebell Club of Santa Ana Valley. Home: R. F. D. 1, Santa Ana, Calif.

McCARDLE, Sarah (Miss), born in Fresno County, California, daughter of James and Ellen Bailey McCardle, a life-long resident of the state. Her parents were pioneers of '49. County librarian (since 1910). Graduated from Library School of the University of California. Holds County Librarian life certificate for California from State Board of County Library Examiners. In 1908, the Fresno Library had 24,000 volumes; today, with a combined public and county library system, there are 385,000 volumes. In 1908, there were two libraries in the county; at present, the Fresno County Library has seventy-seven branches. Enjoys the reputation of an efficient and thorough librarian. Member: American Library Ass'n, California Library Ass'n. (first woman president of this organization, 1917–18), Query Club. Home: 417 W. Belmont, Fresno, Calif.

McCRACKEN, Isabel (Mary) (Miss), Dr., a native of Oakland, California, daughter of John Harvey and Mary McCracken. Associate Professor of Zoology, Stanford University. Has published several papers on scientific subjects, chiefly relating to the Bionomics of Insect Life. Degrees: A.B., M.A., Ph.D. Member: Western Society of Naturalists, American Ass'n for the Advancement of Science, Entomological Society of America, Pacific Coast Entomological Society, Sigma Xi. Home: Stanford University, California.

McFADDEN, Effie Belle, (Miss), born September 1, 1872, in Delhi, New York, daughter of Archie and Betty Christie McFadden, resident of San Francisco for the last 28 years. Member, Faculty State Teachers College, San Francisco. Graduate of Stanford University, A. B. degree; supervisor of Oakland City Schools; lecturer in Institutes and State Teachers' Associations. Author: McFadden Language Series, McFadden English Series; joint author with Sterling A. Leonard, Juniors' Own Composition Book. Member: American Ass'n. of University Women, S. F. Woman's Club, Stanford Women's Club, N. E. A. (life member), California Academy of Sciences. Home: 496 Crestlake Drive, San Francisco, Calif.

McGAULEY, Minna Hoppe (Mrs.), a native of San Francisco, Calif. Past president of Oakland Ebell Club; former president of Mills College Alumnae Association, San Francisco Mills Club and Alameda Mills Club; at present trustee: Oakland Free Library, Oakland Art Gallery, Oakland Museum; vice-president Western Women's Club. Very active in general women's activities. Well-known dramatic reader. Author: “Vision of Fair Women” (scenario for Pageant). Member: Ebell Club Western Women's Club, Oakland Forum, Mills College Alumnae Association, Sequoyah Country Golf Club, Presidents' Assembly of S. F. Home: 2736 Orange Ave., Oakland, Calif.

McGAW, Blanche Evelyn Baldwin (Mrs. John), born in San Francisco, California, March 18, 1874, daughter of Orville Dwight and Millie Eva Wehn Baldwin, a life-long resident of San Francisco. Married to John McGaw. (of England.) Children: Baldwin, Mrs. Evelyn Ellsworth Harpen Van Patten, wife of Capt. Van Patten, U. S. N., Constance Holford. Pianist, artist and writer of verse. Exhibiting artist at S. F. Society of Women Artists, also at S. F. Art Ass'n. Some of her poetry has been published. Member: D. A. R. (former pres.), Pacific Musical Society (former pres.), Channing Auxiliary, League of American Pen Women, Century Club, Colonial Dames, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, S. F. Society of Women Artists, etc. Home: 156 Palm Ave, San Francisco, Calif.

McGETTIGAN, Francisca Vallejo (Mrs.), born in Vallejo, Calif., July 18, 1875, daughter of Dr. Platon and Lily Poole Wiley Vallejo, a life-long resident of California. Married to Charles Dominic McGettigan, M. D., Children: Noel, Carroll, Paul, Bernard, Kevin Daniel, Edward. Composer. Has composed songs and instrumental music for two pianos, an operetta, and has written the incidental music for Junior League Span-