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Women of The West

MILLER, Elizabeth Cloud (Mrs. F. G.), born in. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 11, 1880, daughter of Nathan and Lydia Cloud, a resident of California since 1909. Married to the late Dr. Frederick Grant Miller. Children: Hubert Cloud, Frederick Bancroft. Teacher, lecturer, actress (spoken drama). Has traveled and studied extensively, both in Europe and America and has won success as a stage artist in her Character Interpretations and Play Readings. Since 1915, active in educational work in the secondary schools. Past president, Oral Arts Ass'n of California. For two years Dramatic Director of the L. A. Shakespeare Club, in association with Dr. Frederick Warde. Director, Elizabeth Cloud Miller Speech Arts Studios, affiliated with the L. A. Conservatory of Music and Arts. Author: “Neighbors All” (pageant, describing the World Peace situation, produced for the first time in 1925 during the Chautauqua of the Pacific Palisades, Calif.). Member: Women's University Club (charter), Artland Club, N. E. A., California Oral Arts Ass'n, Drama Teachers of Calif., National Ass'n of Teachers of Speech Education. Home: 2371 West Norwalk Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

MILLER, Mary Carrington, (Mrs. Albert L.), a native of Wisconsin, has travelled all over the United States, Europe and Phillipine Islands. Resident of California for 16 years. Married to Dr. Albert Leonard Miller. Children: Albert Edward. Pianist, teacher, lecturer; has lectured on music and art for 17 years; has held offices in various prominent Women's Clubs; as president of local Women's Club instrumental in establishing permanent baby clinics. Active in civic and political affairs; has brought several celebrated concert artists to Marysville. Member: Saturday Music Club of Sacramento, Marysville Art Club. Home: 527 G. St., Marysville, Calif.

MILLER, Mary Farrand Rogers (Mrs.), a native of Iowa, daughter of Daniel Farrand and Ruth Dodd Llewellyn Rogers, a resident of California for eight years. Married to Dr. William Tyler Miller. Children: Ruth Miller Thompson (Mrs. Leonard R.), Farrand Rogers. Author, teacher, fruit grower. Contributes to magazines and writes on educational work for the deafened. Extension Division Lecturer, University of California; B. S., Cornell University. Interested in adult education and World Peace movement. Author: “The Brook Book,” “Out Door Work.” Member: L. A. Friday Morning Club, Cornell Women's Club of Southern California (president), Sigma Xi, L. A. League for the Hard of Hearing, Ames Alumni Club. Home: 1209 Crenshaw Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

MILLER, Mary Merrill, (Mrs. George B.), a native of Portland, Maine, daughter of Franklin H. and Maria A. Grant Merrill, former residents of Boston, Massachusetts, living in California for the last 40 years. Married to George B. Miller. Children: Dr. John Nelson Blood. Very active in civic affairs. Former trustee, Burlingame Public Library, Burlingame Grammar Schools. Member of Citizens' Committee to organize for a Charter government. Member: Burlingame Woman's Club, Presidents' Assembly of San Francisco, S. F. Colony of New England Women, Western Club Women, D. A. R. Home: 1418 Bellevue Ave., Burlingame, Calif.

MILLER, Nettie May, (Mrs.), born in Petaluma, California, daughter of Prof. W. H. and Mrs. Lois Adamson, a life-long resident of the state. President and sole manager of Golden Gate Dairies and Nettie May Ice Cream Co., Past president of Oakland Civic Center. Lectures before women's clubs. Interested in all civic and philanthropic matters. Member: Woman's City Club (life member), Ebell Club, Soroptimist (vice-president), Women's Democratic Club (vice president). Business Address: 2941 Broadwav. Home: 6201 Harwood, Oakland, Calif.

MILLS, Ethelwyn (Miss), born in Champlain, New York, March 23, 1884, daughter of Benjamin Fay and Mary Russell Hill Mills, a resident of California for ten years. Business woman. Member of Executive Boards of several progressive social organizations. At one time National Y W C A. Secretary. At present. President, Los Angeles Branch, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; Executive Secretary, Los Angeles Group, Fellowship of Reconciliation. Lecturer and writer