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Women of The West

California for twenty years. Married to the late Charles Morgan Morse (former Mayor of San Mateo). Secretary of San Mateo Mutual Building & Loan Association for eight years, taking over the position upon the death of her husband. Member: San Mateo Woman's Club, Business Woman's Club of San Mateo, former member of San Mateo County Social Service Commission. Home: 117 Baldwin Avenue, San Mateo, Calif.

MOSHER, Clelia Duel, M.D., born in Albany, New York, December 16, 1863, daughter of Dr. Cornelius Duel and Mrs. Sarah Burritt Mosher. Professor of Personal Hygiene, Medical Adviser of Women, Stanford University. Educated at Wellesley College, Cornell University, University of Wisconsin, Stanford University (A. B., A. M.), Johns Hopkins University (M. D.). At one time externe, Johns Hopkins Hospital Dispensary and Assistant in gynecology. Practising physician at Palo Alto, 1901-10; connected with the faculty of Stanford University since 1910. Author: “All in The Day's Work”, “Again in the Running”, “When Lille was Taken,” “A Spring Song,” “The Frequency of Gall Stones in the U. S.”, “An Analysis of Cases, In the Typhoid Fever Epidemic at Palo Alto, Calif, in 1903,” “A Case of Onychogryposis,” “Functional Periodicity in Women and Some of the Modifying Factors,” “A Physiological Treatment of Congestive Dysmenorrhea and Kindred Disorders Associated with the Menstrual Function,” “The Physical Training of Women in Relation to Functional Periodicity,” “The Schemotogram: A New Method of Graphically Recording Posture and Changes in the Contours of the Body,” “Health and the Woman Movement,” “Muscular Strength of College Women” (with E. G. Martin), “Strength of Women,” “Concerning the Size of Women,” “Height of College Women,” “Some of the Causal Factors in the Increased Height of College Women,” “Woman's Physical Freedom,” “Personal Hygiene for Women.” Fellow American Medical Association, Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science. Member: American Association of University Professors, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Home: Stanford University, California.

MOSSE, Elfie Asenath (Miss), a native of San Francisco, California, daughter of D'Alva and Nancy Elizabeth Mosse, a life-long resident of the state. City Librarian (since 1890). For years Director of Red Cross. Member of the first committee to start public playgrounds of Santa Monica; worked for completion of Art Galley in Public Library and started Santa Monica Art Ass'n. Member: Santa Monica Bay Woman's Club (charter member and now enjoying a complimentary membership), Santa Monica Bay Music Ass'n, N. D. G. W., Y. W. C. A., Girls Relief. Home: 1433 Fifth St., Santa Monica, California.

MOTT, Maude Robinson, (Mrs. Ernest J.), born in Napa, California, daughter of Joseph L. and Addie A. Fox Robinson, a resident of San Francisco for thirty years. Married to the late Ernest Julian Mott. Children: Marjorie. Member of S. F. Board of Education. Regional Director, National Board, League of Women Voters. Interested in all civic affairs. Member, Board of Directors, Y.W.C.A. Member: Century Club of California (president), American Ass'n. University Women (president of S. F. Branch), English Speaking Union, National League of Women Voters, S. F. Opera Ass'n. Home: 2806 Vallejo St., San Francisco, Calif.

MOULTON, (Mrs. Percy Daniel), a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Williams, a resident of Los Angeles for the last 7 years. Married to Capt. Percy Daniel Moulton. Children: Clarissa, Julia, Daniel (Surgeon, U.S.A.). Especially interested in all public questions affecting the welfare of women and children. Pres., Wilshire Woman's Club; past-president. Dean Club of Southern California. Member: Wilshire Woman's Club, Republican Study Club, Political League, Athletic Club, Casa del Mar and Gables Beach Clubs, Dean Club. Home: 958 Keniston Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

MUEHLEISEN, Vesta C. (Mrs.), born August 7, 1887, in Tabor, Iowa, daughter of Henry E. and Nettie Fox Gates, a resident of California for thirty-seven years. Married to Adolph Muehleisen. Children: Dolf Edward, Gene Sylvester. Educator. Member of San Diego City Board of Education. Graduated from San Diego State College and taught for several years in California Schools. Has held several executive offices in the Congress of Parents and Teachers. Teaches a Summer Session Course on the P.-T. movement in the San Diego State College. First course ever given in this state. Member: National Congress of Parents and Teachers, Scottish Rite Woman's Club (former president).