Page:Women worth emulating (1877) Internet Archive.djvu/106

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Sarah Martin and the Last Duchess of Gordon.


"One in Christ." "Rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the Maker of them all."

It must be a source of rejoicing to every reflective mind that examples of devoted lives may be selected from the most widely different spheres of social life. Faith in Christ, consecration of the heart, and devotion to the work He gives His faithful ones to do, is the strong bond of union that links together the lowly and the lofty who are His. Nor are we to suppose, as many young people of the middle ranks are apt to do, that the path of the rich and noble is always comparatively smooth when they are led to think of religion, and to resolve to set out as spiritual pilgrims on the narrow way that leads to life eternal. Often, in proportion to the splendour of station is the amount of tempta-