Page:Women worth emulating (1877) Internet Archive.djvu/37

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Miss Charlotte Elliott.


"Here will I watch and wait, and 'wish for day.'
O Rock of Ages! at Thy foot I stay!
Let not the dashing waves unclasp my hold!
Let mercy's arms my trembling form enfold;
And place me where Thy 'hidden ones' repose,
Till the new earth and heaven their charms disclose."

Charlotte Elliott.

The laws of health are now so much better understood than they formerly were, and all sensible women and girls attend so much more to physical training and open-air exercise, that extreme delicacy of constitution is no longer considered the inevitable inheritance of the female half of the human race. A complex and highly sensitive organization it is admitted, requires extra care both in understanding and obeying wholesome rules of diet, dress, occupation, and relaxation. The three cheap physicians—water,