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pit; but, thro' the ignorance of my physicians, a mortification seized both my feet, by which the skin and all the nails of my left foot, and three from my right foot, came off like a glove. The flesh at the bottom of my foot being separated from the bones, I had it cut off; and it was 9 months after before I recovered.— I have since been the father of 9 children.

L.G. Spearing's Hymn of Praise.

Almighty God! who, on this day,
My life from death didst save,
To Thee I now presume to pray,
And future blessings crave.

Oh! grant I ever may confess
Thy goodness shewn to me;
With grateful heart and tongue express
The praise that's due to thee.

While in the dreary pit I lay,
My life thou didst sustain;
And, to my comfort, I may say,
Thou gave'st refreshing rain.

In this, thy providential care
Is to tha world made known,
And teaches us to shun dispair,
For thou art God alone.

Then, since my life thou didst preserve,
Oh! teach me how to live,
Let me not from thy precepts swerve,
This blessing to me give.

So will I yearly, on this day,
My grateful tribute bring,
In humble thanks, to thee alway,
My Saviour, God, and King.
