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and publish it in the streets of Aschalon; the remedy is infallible.”

It was as he predicted. On the introduction of the mixed alum and salt, I experienced a sensation of coldness, which gradually subsided, and with it the torment of the toothache.

Though I thus learnt something from my sufferings, and entertain a hope that what I learnt, being thus published, will bo of servico to my fellow-creatures, I am far from believing that any catholicon or universal remedy has yet been discovered for this afflicting malady. It would almost appear, indeed, that, instead of there being any general curo for the toothache, every body would require to have his own cure; for though certain preparations have been found effectual in certain cases, nothing is so common as to find thcsc fail when applied to others. Probably there is ono particular cure for every man on earth, if ho only could discover what it is. Till that be done, I am afraid that the disease must be looked upon as a pin loose in nature, and just endured, when a remedy cannot bo hit upon, as an avoidable evil.