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men’s cattle, which often became his prey, for whensoever he had occasion for food, he would wade over the main land, where he would furnish himself with whatever he could find. For the people at his approach would forsake their habitations; then he would seize on their cows and oxen, of which he’d think little of carrying over on his back half a dozen at a time; and as for their sheep and hogs, he would tie them round his waist like a buneh of bandeliers. This he for many years had practised in Cornwall, which was much impoverished by him.

But, one day Jack coming to the town-hall, where the magistrates were sitting in consultation about the Giant, he asked them what reward they would give to any person that would destroy him? They answered, he should have all the Giant’s treasure in recompence. Quoth Jack, then I myself will undertake the work.