Page:Wood - Foods of the Foreign-Born.djvu/109

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a few raw beets in skins; cut them fine and sprinkle with a httle sugar. Add to strained consommé, and add some of the rossel to taste. Boil once and serve with sour salts.

Diabetic Diet

There are many Jews who have diabetes. In prescribing for them one has not only to give a new dietary, but also to teach the ways of cooking the foods allowed. For example, they have been accustomed to having vegetables in small quantities, cooked with beef; but for the diabetic this is excluded, and new forms of cooking vegetables must be introduced. All five or ten per cent, carbohydrate vegetables after cooking may be served with drawn butter, white sauce, hollandaise sauce, or with salt and a small portion of lemon juice or vinegar. Green peppers stuffed with vegetables are another pleasant variety.

As the Jewish dietary does not allow shellfish or tripe, no thought need be given these; but liver is frequently used, koshered over the fire. This must be specified as not allowed in the diet.

Before Passover the patient must be warned not to eat mazzah or unleavened bread which is made of flour, salt, eggs, and water in the form of large crackers.

Eggs baked in spinach or scrambled with mushrooms may be ordered. The Jewish people are fond of the flavor of almond omelet, prepared with one-half cup almonds, four eggs, and four tablespoons cream. Blanch the almonds, chop fine, and pound smooth. Beat the eggs, add the cream, and turn into a hot pan in which one tablespoon of butter has been melted. When the omelet is set, sprinkle the almonds over it, fold over, and serve.