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or toast triangles, and send a dish of grated cheese to the table with it, to be added according to individual taste.

Cappelletti all' uso di Romagna (Soup with Little Hats)

  • Grated cheese
  • 1 egg
  • Grated lemon peel
  • Nutmeg, allspice, salt
  • Equal parts curds or cottage cheese and cooked meat (chicken, pork, or veal)

Grind the meat very fine and make a highly seasoned mixture of it and all the other ingredients. The ground meat may be sauted in a little butter or drippings before it is mixed with the other ingredients to improve the flavor. Cut rounds measuring about three inches in diameter from a thin sheet of paste, made according to the recipe for Noodles or Home-Made Paste. Place a spoonful of the filling in the middle of each circle of paste. Fold over and moisten the edge of the paste with the finger dipped in water to make it stay securely closed. These cappelletti should be cooked in chicken or turkey broth until the paste is tender, and served with this broth as a soup.

This is a time-honored Christmas dainty in Italy.

Fagiuolini in Salsa d'Uovo (String Beans with Egg Sauce)

  • 1 pound green or wax beans
  • Butter, salt, and pepper
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch or flour
  • Juice of ¼ lemon
  • Yolk of 1 egg
  • ¾ cup soup stock

String the beans and parboil them in salted, boiling water. Drain, cut into inch pieces, and season with but-