Page:Wood - Foods of the Foreign-Born.djvu/69

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A constipation diet is easy to find for these people, as they are naturally large vegetable eaters. Szynka pieczona zkasza (ham roasted with cabbage) or rozbiantere dusgony (roast fowl with vegetables) illustrate how inseparable are their meats from their vegetables. Dusgony or vegetables they welcome on a diet list. Cereals in the form of coarse grains they use. These will come under the name of kasga, which is boiled in milk or baked in water, with milk and fat added during the baking to give moisture.

The diabetic patient finds consolation in the number of fish dishes known to the Polish and Russian folk. Ryba wgalarecie, or fish in jelly, is much enjoyed. The jelly is rriade with lemon and the first layer often has chopped cabbage or celery in it. When this is set, the fish, already boiled, is placed upright in it and more cooled jelly added to cover the fish. Pigs' feet in jelly is another favorite dish, made of the gelatine from the feet of the pig, with meat from the hocks. Ciely, or veal roasted or made into cutlets, may be used; also pork, or wieprzony, prepared in a number of ways. Sledy pocztomy, or maatjis herring, is often used for supper.

For nephritic patients it is hard to separate their protein from their vegetables. ..Their vegetable soups are made thick with vegetables and in this way they can be given in a diet. Zupa jarzynowa is vegetable soup made with a foundation of chicken stock and any or all kinds of seasonable vegetables added. Soup, or rosal, with makoronom or noodles cannot be included, but borszoz zabillang can be given. It is a beet soup, made by boiling both the tops and the roots of beets with the addition of fat and sour cream.

Tuberculous patients will enjoy many of the smietanie,