Page:Wood - Foods of the Foreign-Born.djvu/96

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Mantu (Armenian)

  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 cup lamb, chopped
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • 2¼ cups cold water
  • 1 cup matzoun
  • 1 cup flour

Make a stiff dough with the flour, water (one-quarter cup), and salt. Allow to set one-half hour. Roll it out to one-sixteenth inch thick. Cut into one and one-half inch squares. Put on a well-floured board, so that they do not stick to each other. Mix the chopped meat and the finely-chopped onion, one-half teaspoon salt and one-quarter teaspoon pepper. Take one of the squares of dough, fold each corner into center point, placing a little of the mixture into the case. Put into a well-greased pan and put over the open flame, and brown the bottoms. Pour boiling water over this until covered, and cook twenty minutes. Put matzoun over this when done.

Okra Stew (Greek)

  • ¾ quart okra (fresh)
  • 1½ cups tomato (canned)
  • 1 small onion
  • ¾ cup lamb (cut in small pieces)
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • ¼ cup water
  • ½ lemon

Put meat in hot oil and fry until nearly cooked, adding onion, chopped fine. Have whole okra cleaned, washed, sprinkled with salt, and dried in the sun for half an hour. Wash the salt away and add to the meat, together with the tomato, water, lemon, salt, and pepper. Cover well and cook over a rather slow fire. In cleaning okra, do not cut the stem so that the seeds are exposed, but face or cut the stem off carefully, to avoid having a gummy substance in the cooked product.