Page:Wood 1865 - The Myriapoda of North America.djvu/40

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S. lanatipes.

Fig. 16 Fig. 17

S. aurantiaca; pedibus compressis, flavis; capite mandibulis labio sternisque minute punctatis; segmento cephalico subovato; labio medio emarginato fere sicut in S. gracile, margine antico rotundato; pedibus postremis modice robustis, singulo spinis duabus S. sexspinosæ illis similimis, articulo tibiali basali fere æquali; tibia tarso metatarsoque pubescentibus; appendicibus analibus lateralibus brevibus, rude punctatis, singula spina apicali alteraque minutissima in angulo superiore posteiiore; squama preanali modice lata, convexa, margine postico interdum late emarginato. (Figs. 16, 17.)

Orange; feet compressed, yellow; head, mandibles, labium, and sterna minutely punctate; cephalic segment subovate; labium medianly emarginate, almost as in S. gracile, the anterior margin rounded; last feet rather robust, each with two spines similar to those of S. sexspinosa; tibial and basal joints about equal; tibia, tarsus, and metatarsus pubescent; lateral anal appendages short, rudely punctate; each with an apical spine, and another very minute one upon the superior posterior angle; preanal scale rather broad, convex; its posterior margin sometimes broadly emarginate.

S. lanatipes, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 89.

This species is closely allied to S. gracilis, and it is possible that further specimens may show that the characters on which I rely in separating them vary. The differences are as follows: The labium (Fig. 16) closely resembles that of the first described species, but has the character not so well marked. The posterior pair of legs are more robust, with the tibia about equal to the femur in length, and pubescent. The lateral anal appendages are shorter and separated inferiorly by a much narrower space. The preanal scale is rather broader and more bent over the lateral anal appendages; and, finally, this species seems to attain to a larger size. Length, 2¼ inches.

Hab. California.—Smithsonian Collection.

Fam. V. GEOPHILIDÆ, Leach.[1]

Segmenta numerosa, singulum subsegmentis duobus completis sed inæqualibus efformatum, et. pedum par unicum gerens. Oculi nulli. Antennæ 14 articulatæ. Pedes anales breves, styliformes.

Segments numerous; each formed of two complete but unequal subsegments, and bearing a single pair of feet. Eyes wanting. Antennæ 14 articulate. Anal feet short, styliform.

  1. Linn. Trans., vol. xi.