Page:Wood 1865 - The Myriapoda of North America.djvu/50

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latiore; mandibulis magnis, singula intus denticulo magno acuto armata; dente mandibulari, gracile, longo; scutis latis, brevibus, suturis scuto-episcutalibus nullis; pedibus modice longis, utrinque 69, pari postremo—(in mare?) longo, valde incrassato, illico acuminata, articulis obconicis—(in femina ?), parvo, gracile, articulis subcylindricis; suturis sterno-cpisternalibus distinctis; squama preanali postice valde angustata.

Orange, robust; head rather large, sparsely pilose; anterior margin of basilar segment somewhat, greater than posterior; mandibles large,—each armed on inside with a large, acute, denticule; mandibular tooth, slender, long; scuta broad, short; scuto-episcutal sutures absent; feet rather long, on each side 69; last pair—(in male?) long, very much thickened, rapidly acuminate, articles obconic—(in female?), small, slender, articles subcylindrical; sterno-episternal sutures distinct; preanal scale posteriorly very much narrowed.

S. lævipes, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 48.

One of the specimens has the last pair of legs very thick and long and vertically compressed. They are composed of eight joints, all of which are obconic except the last, which is very short and rapidly acuminate. This individual is probably the male. The other, the female, has the hindmost legs very slender, with the coxal joint proportionally very much larger than in the male.

Hab. Georgia.—Museum of Academy; Dr. J. L. Le Conte.

S. tæniopsis.

S. dilute fulva; corpore valde depresso, modice lato, antice leviter angustato; capite magno; segmento cephalico subtriangulare; antennis brevibus, moniliformibus, postice leviter depressis, crassis, antice cylindricis, haud acuminatis, pilis brevissimis mollibus paucis; labio breve, lato, antice obsolete bidentato, sulco mediano leviter im presso; mandibulis crassis; scutis brevissimis, sine suturis sed interdum linea mediana obscura; sternis brevissimis, singulo depressione submediana ovata in corpore antico conspicuissima; pedibus brevibus, crassis, cylindricis, haud pilosis, utrinque 141, pari postremo (in femina?) gracile, breve. Long. unc. 4¾.

Light yellow; body very depressed, rather broad, anteriorly slightly narrowed; head large; cephalic segment subtriangular; antennæ short, moniliform, posteriorly slightly depressed, thick, anteriorly cylindrical, not acuminate, with a few soft, very short hairs; labium short, broad, anteriorly obsoletely bidentate, impressed with a slightly pronounced median sulcus; mandibles thick; scuta very short, without sutures, but with sometimes an obscure median line; sterna very short, each with a single submedian ovate depression, most conspicuous on the anterior portion of the body; feet short, thick, cylindrical, not pilose, on each side 141, last pair (in female ?) slender, short. Length, 4¾ inches.

S. tæniopsis, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 48.

In the single specimen the color is very light, but originally may possibly have been an orange. The body is almost destitute of polish. The epimeral plates are very large. I am indebted to Dr. J. L. Le Conte for the specimen, which he captured in the mountains of Georgia.

vol. xiii.—24