Page:Wood 1865 - The Myriapoda of North America.djvu/52

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and sterno-episternal sutures; preanal scale deeply canaliculate, posteriorly strongly emarginate, posterior angles subacute. Length, 3 inches.

S. laticeps, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, 1863, vol. v, p. 49.

The anterior of the two scuta covering each segment is very distinct from the other, and is much wider at its posterior than at its anterior margin. The posterior has its lateral margins arcuate but not elevated. The scuto-episcutal sutures are very distinct. Posteriorly there is an obsolete dark median dorsal line. Length, 3 inches.

Hab. Texas.—Museum of Comparative Zoology; George Stolley, Esq.

S. cephalica.

S. sordide dilute brunnea, superficie dorsali lineis pullis duabus, obsoletis; corpore antice leviter sed postice illico valdeque angustato; capite magno; segmento cephalico subtriangulare, impunctato, basali postice leviter dilatato; antennis brevissimis, latis, depressis, haud pilosis, articulis brevissimis, nonnihil quadratis; labio impunctato, medio canaliculato, antice leviter emarginato; mandibulis crassis, haud denticulatis; suturis scuto-episcutalibus nonnihil obsoletis; pedibus gracilibus, modice brevibus, haud pilosis, utrinque 75, pari postremo (in femina solum ?) parvo, gracile; sternis suturis sterno-episternalibus et sulco mediano impressis.

Dirty light brown; dorsal surface with two obsolete, blackish lines; body anterior slightly, but posteriorly quickly and strongly narrowed; head large; cephalic segment subtriangular, impunctate; basal posteriorly slightly dilated; antennæ very short, broad, depressed, not pilose, with very short, somewhat quadrate joints; labium impunctate, medianly canaliculate, anteriorly lightly emarginate; mandibles thick, not denticulate; scuto-episcutal sutures somewhat obsolete; feet slender, rather short, not pilose, on each side 75; last pair (in female only ?) small, slender; sterna impressed with sterno-episternal sutures and a median sulcus.

S. cephalica, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, 1863, vol. v, p. 49.

The two dark lines on the dorsum are very obscure, and are evanescent anteriorly. The cephalic segment is quite acute anteriorly. The legs are rather lighter in color than the body, and are shorter than in the preceding species. Length, 2¼ inches.

Hab. California.

S. parviceps.

S. saturate aurantiaca, polita; corpore antice valde sed postice leviter angustato; capite parvo, segmento cephalico suborbiculare, impunctato; antennis modice longis, filiformibus, haud acuminatis, sparse pilosis, articulis nonnihil obconicis; mandibulis crassis, sparse breve pilosis, obscure tridenticulatis, denticulo antico utrinque magno conico acuto; labio lato, breve, impunctato, vix emarginato, sulco mediano obscure impresso; scutis sine suturis; pedibus modice longis, gracilibus, pilis brevibus paucis, et superficie ventrali sordide aurantiacis, utrinque 71, pari postremo (in femina solum ?) parvo, gracile; sternis suturis sterno-episternalibus et sulco mediano impressis.