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The expenses (direct) of treating the out-door sick are:—

Salaries of Medical Officers, &c. £1,800
Medicines, &c. 1,378

The cost of maintaining the Workhouse Hospital may be estimated as follows:—

Maintenance of Patients £9,700
Salaries of Medical Officers 485
Medicines, &c 1,050

The Hospital contains accommodation for over 1,000 patients, and has often 1,000 in it. The cases at present are:—

Medical 485
Surgical 345
Fever 120
Smallpox 20

The weekly discharges are from twenty to thirty per cent, of the whole number in the hospital.[1]

The present workhouse staff consists of fourteen paid officers (who are superintendents, but not trained nurses), and about 150 paupers acting as nurses, but not paid. It has been proposed to add a trained hospital matron and trained nurses, such as those trained in the Nightingale School, and assistant nurses, so as to give one trained day-nurse and one

  1. In the opinion of the medical men of the Liverpool Workhouse Hospital, 647 of its present number of patients would be admissible to an ordinary and
    Men—Medical 40
     "  Surgical 80
    Women—Medical 40
     "   Surgical 60
    220 would not be admissible.