Page:Works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol 6.djvu/133

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Legend of Lakshmi. Durvtisas gives a garland to Indra: he treats it disrespectfully, and is cursed by the Muni. The power of the gods impaired: they are oppressed by the Danavas, and have recourse to Vishnu. The churning of the ocean. Praises of Sri.


The descendants of the daughters of Daksha married to the Rishis.


Legend of Dhruva, the son of Uttanapiida: he is unkindly treated by his father's second wife: applies to his mother: her advice: he resolves to engage in religious exercises: sees the seven Rishis, who recommend him to propitiate Vishnu.


Dhruva commences a course of religious austerities. Unsuccessful attempts of Indra and his ministers to distract Dhruva's attention : they appeal to Vishnu, who allays their fears, and appears to Dhruva. Dhruva praises Vishnu, and is raised to the skies, as the pole-star.


Posterity of Dhruva. Legend of Vena: his impiety: he is put to death by the Rishis. Anarchy ensues. The production of Nishada and Pfithu : the latter the first king. The origin of of Suta and Magadha: they enumerate the duties of kings. Prithu compels Earth to acknowledge his authority: he levels it: introduces cultivation: erects cities. Earth called, after him, Prithivi: typified as a cow.


Descendants of Prithu. Legend of the Prachetasas : they are desired, by their father, to multiply mankind, by worshipping Vishnu: they plunge into the sea, and meditate on and praise him: he appears, and grants their wishes.