Page:Works of Charles Dickens, ed. Lang - Volume 4.djvu/30

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CHAPTER VI. In which the Occurrence of the Accident mentioned in the last Chapter, affords an Opportunity to a couple of Gentlemen to tell Stories against each other...65

CHAPTER VII. Mr. and Mrs. Squeers at Home...93

CHAPTER VIII. Of the Internal Economy of Dotheboys Hall...103

CHAPTER IX. Of Miss Squeers, Mrs. Squeers, Master Squeers, and Mr. Squeers; and of various Matters and Persons connected no less with the Squeerses than with Nicholas Nickleby...119

CHAPTER X. How Mr. Ralph Nickleby provided for his Niece and Sister-in- Law...138

CHAPTER XI. Newman Noggs inducts Mrs. and Miss Nickleby into their New Dwelling in the City...155

CHAPTER XII. Whereby the Reader will be enabled to trace the further course of Miss Fanny Squeers's Love, and to ascertain whether it ran smooth or otherwise...162

CHAPTER XIII. Nicholas varies the Monotony of Dotheboys Hall by a most vigorous and remarkable Proceeding, which leads to Consequences of some Importance...176