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A whoreson name I give to thee,
Unless by force them bindest me."
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

"King Esmer, the father mine,
And my mother, proud Adeline,
Unto me have often told,
With a knave eat not thy gold."
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

"Was Esmer father then of thine,
And thy mother proud Adeline,
Then thou'rt Vonved, the knight well known,
Also my own dear sister's son."
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

"Sir Vonved, wilt thou stay with me?
Much honour shall be given thee;
But if away thou will'st to ride,
Many a knight shall go beside."
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

"All my gold to thee I give,
If thou here with me wilt live."
Sir Vonved would not have it so,
Back to his mother he will go.
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

Sir Vonved rode along his way,
Grim he was in his soul that day;
Ere he to the castle rode,
Witches twelve before him stood.
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

With their rock and reel they came before,

And smote him on the knee full sore;