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all the speeches which are declaimed before us so loudly and passionately on the stage. A mystic shudder flurried all my fur. I knew that, despite my unworthiness, I had attained grace to see into the Holy of Holies. I found myself in the blessed presence of the mysterious First-being the pure Spirit who rules the corporeal world with his will, who creates it with a word, inspires it with a word, and with a word destroys for I saw that the heroes on the stage whom I had a little while before so greatly admired, only spoke confidently when they, in absolute confiding faith, my dear friends, repeated the text exactly as he gave it—yea, and that they stumbled and stuttered when they in their pride turned from his ways and listened not unto the sound of his voice. All beings I beheld depended on him. He was the only self-existent one in his all-holiest ark. On every side thereof glowed the mystic lamps, rang the violins, and softly pealed the flutes; around him was light and music he swam in harmonious rays and flashing harmonies." . . .

Then the speech became so nasal and weepingly whispering that I understood but little more, only now and then I caught the words, "Deliver us from cats and mouse-traps give us each day our daily bread crumbs I love ye—in eternity. Amen!"

By giving this dream I endeavour to set forth