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whose chests and safes their means thereunto lie hoarded up, they hate the rich, and are glad when religion permits them to give full swing to this hatred. The common people hated in the Jews only the owners of money it was always the heaped-up metal which attracted the lightning of popular wrath to the Jews. The spirit of the times gave its password or parole to that hatred. In the Middle Ages it bore the gloomy colour of the Catholic Church and people, killed Jews and plundered their houses because they crucified Christ, with quite the same logic certain black Christians at the time of the massacre in San Domingo paraded about with a picture of Christ on the cross and fanatically cried : Les blancs l'ont tué, tuons nous les blancs![1]

My friend, you laugh at the poor negroes ; but I assure you that the West Indian planters did

  1. Heine would have been charmed (had he ever heard of it) with an incident which once occurred in California. A Chinaman who had heard some dim account of the Crucifixion, and of which all he remembered was that it had been an exceedingly discreditable transaction to all concerned, had a quarrel with a Jew, and in anger, cried: "My savvy you you one-piecee bad man—you velly bad man you killee Melican man's Joss." The conduct of the St. Domingo blacks recalls a passage from a negro sermon which was delivered in Philadelphia: "My hyarers—bress de Lawd, dere was'n no cullered folks at de Crucifixion. De Bible doesn't mention one single nigga's bein' dar. Of cose dere was plenty of 'em in Jerusalem, else who'd a done de wite-washin' an' waitin'? But dey had too much sense to 'tend to any such doin's as crucifyin' folks."—Translator.