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MR. WILLIAM HEINEMANN'S LIST. 13 popular 3s* e&. novels. IN THE VALLEY. By Harold Frederic, Author of " The Lawton Girl," " Seth's Brother's Wife,'* &c. With Illustrations. Times.—"The literary value of the book is high ; the author's studies of bygone life presenting a life-like picture." PRETTY MISS SMITH. By Florence Warden. Author of "The House on the Marsh/* "A Witch of the Hills," &c. Punch.—** Since Miss Florence Warden's 'House on the Marsh/ I have not read a more exciting tale." LOS CERRITOS: A Romance of the Modern Time. By Gertrude Franklin Atherton, Author of "Hermia Suydam," and " What Dreams may Come." Athen&um.—"Full of fresh fancies and suggestions. Told with strength- and delicacy. A decidedly charming romance." A MODERN MARRIAGE. By the Marquise Clara Lanza. Queen.—" A powerful story, dramatically and consistently carried out." Black and White.—" A decidedly clever book." HAUNTINGS: Fantastic Stories. By Vernon Lee, Author of " Baldwin/* " Miss Brown/' &c. &c. [In preparation* Pall Mall Gazette.—" Well imagined, cleverly constructed, powerfully executed. * Dionea ' is a fine and impressive idea, and ' Oke of Okehurst ' a masterly story." MEA CULPA : A Woman's Last Word. By Henry Harland. . [In preparation. Times.—"There is no denying its cleverness; it is the very reverse of conventional. The author in his social touches reminds us of About, and it would be difficult to say anything more flattering." popular SbilUng KBoofts* MADAME VALERIE. By F. C. Philips, Author of "As in a Looking-Glass/' &c. [/« the Press, THE MOMENT AFTER: A Tale of the Unseen. By Robert Buchanan. Athenmum.—"Should be read—in daylight." Obsc>ver.— " A clever tour deforce." Guardian.—" Particularly impressive, graphic, and powerful." A VERY STRANGE FAMILY. By F. W. Robinson, Author of " Grandmother's Money," " Lazarus in London/' &c. Glasgoiv Herald.—" An ingeniously devised plot, of which the interest is- kept up to the very last page. A judicious blending of humour and pathos further helps to make the book delightful reading from start to finish." CLUES ; or, Leaves from a Chief Constable's Note-Book. By William Henderson, Chief Constable of Edinburgh. Mr. Gladstone.—" I found the book full of interest."