Page:Works of Jules Verne - Parke - Vol 4.djvu/11

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The tree was borne onward so rapidly by the impetuous torrent, that anyone might have supposed some powerful locomotive engine was hidden in its trunk. It seemed likely enough they might continue drifting in this way for days. About three o'clock in the morning, however, the Major noticed that the roots were beginning to graze the ground occasionally, and by sounding the depth of the water with a long branch, Tom Austin found that they were getting on rising ground. Twenty minutes afterward, the ombu stopped short with a violent jolt.

"Land! land!" shouted. Paganel, in a tinging tone. * * *

Already Robert and Wilson had leaped onto the solid plateau with aloud, joyful hurrah ! when a well-known whistle was heard. The gallop of a horse resounded over the plain, and the tall form of Thalcave emerged from the darkness.

"Thalcave! Thalcave!" they all cried with one voice.

"Amigas!" replied the Patagonian.—Page 157.

Vol. 4.