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board the Mongolia, and went into his cabin. He then took out his memorandum book, in which were the following notes:

"Left London, Wednesday, October 2, 8:45 P. M.

"Arrived at Paris, Thursday, October 3, 7:20 A. M.

"Left Paris, Thursday, 8:40 A. M.

"Arrived at Turin via Mont Cenis, Friday, October 4, 6:35 A. M.

"Left Turin, Friday, 7:20 A. M.

"Arrived at Brindisi, Saturday, October 5, 4 P. M.

"Set sail on the Mongolia, Saturday 5 P. M.

"Arrived at Suez, Wednesday, October 9, 11 A. M.

"Total of hours consumed, 158 1-2: or in days, 6 1-2 days."

Mr. Fogg wrote down these dates in a guide-book arranged by columns, which indicated, from the 2d of October to the 21st of December—the month, the day of the month, the day of the week, the stipulated and actual arrivals at each principal point, Paris, Brindisi, Suez, Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore, Hong-Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco, New York, Liverpool, London, and which allowed him to figure the gain made or the loss experienced at each place on the route. In this methodical book he thus kept an account of everything, and Mr. Fogg knew always whether he was ahead of time or behind.

He noted down then this day, Wednesday, October 9, his arrival at Suez, which agreeing with the stipulated arrival, neither made a gain nor a loss. Then he had his breakfast served up in his cabin. As to seeing the town, he did not even think of it, being of that race of Englishmen who have their servants visit the countries they pass through.


Fix had in a few moments rejoined Passepartout on the wharf, who was loitering and looking about, not believing that he was obliged not to see anything.

"Well, my friend," said Fix, coming up to him, "is your passport vised?"