Page:Works of Jules Verne - Parke - Vol 7.djvu/266

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Kong before the next morning, he did not otherwise bother himself about it. The next morning Passepartout did not come at Mr. Fogg's ring.

What the honorable gentleman thought on learning that his servant had not returned to the hotel, no one could have said. Mr. Fogg contented himself with taking his carpet-bag, calling for Aouda and sending for a palanquin. It was then eight o'clock, and high tide, of which the Carnatic was to take advantage to go out through the passes, was put down at half-past nine.

When the palanquin arrived at the door of the hotel, Mr. Fogg and Aouda got into the comfortable vehicle, and their baggage followed them on a wheelbarrow. Half an hour later the travelers dismounted on the wharf and there Phileas Fogg learned that the Carnatic had left the evening before.

Mr. Fogg, who counted on finding at the same time both the steamer and his servant, was compelled to do without both. But not a sign of disappointment appeared upon his face; and, when Aouda looked at him with uneasiness, he contented himself with replying, "It is an incident, Madame, nothing more."

At this moment a person who had been watching him closely came up to him. It was the detective, Fix, who turned to him and said, "Are you not like myself, sir, one of the passengers of the Rangoon, who arrived yesterday?"

"Yes, sir," replied Mr. Fogg coldly, "but I have not the honor———"

"Pardon me, but I thought I would find your servant here."

"Do you know where he is, sir?" asked the young woman quickly.

"What!" replied Fix, feigning surprise, "is he not with you?"

"No," replied Aouda. "He has not returned since yesterday. Has he perhaps embarked without us aboard the Carnatic?"

"Without you, madame?" replied Fix. "But, excuse my question, you expected then to leave by that steamer?"

"Yes, sir."

"I too, madame, and I am much disappointed. The Carnatic, having completed her repairs, left Hong Kong