will be in England. This rogue has the appearance of returning to his native country believing that he has thrown the police off their guard. Well, I will follow him there. As for the money, heaven grant there may be some left! But what with traveling, rewards, trials, fines, elephants, expenses of every kind, my man has already left more than five thousand pounds on his route. After all, the Bank is rich!"
His decision taken, he immediately went on board the General Grant, and was there when Mr. Fogg and Aouda arrived. To his extreme surprise, he recognized Passepartout under his fantastic costume. He concealed himself immediately in his cabin, to avoid an explanation which might damage everything—and, thanks to the number of the passengers, he counted on not being seen by his enemy, when this very day he found himself face to face with him on the forward part of the ship.
Passepartout jumped at Fix's throat, without any other explanation, and to the great delight of certain Americans, who immediately bet for him, he gave the unfortunate detective a superb volley of blows, showing the great superiority of French over English boxing.
When Passepartout had finished he found himself calmer and comforted. Fix rose in pretty bad condition, and, looking at his adversary, he said to him coldly, "Is it finished?"
"Yes, for the moment."
"Then I want a word with you."
"But I———"
"In your master's interest."
Passepartout, as if conquered by this coolness, followed the detective, and they both sat down in the forward part of the steamer. "You have thrashed me," said Fix. Good; I expected it. Now, listen to me. Until the present I have been Mr. Fogg's adversary, but now I am with him."
"At last!" cried Passepartout, "you believe him to be an honest man?"
"No," replied Fix coldly. "I believe him to be a rogue. Sh! Don't stir, and let me talk. As long as Mr. Fogg was in the English possessions, I had an interest in retaining him whilst waiting for a warrant of arrest. I did everything I could for that. I sent against him the priests of