naturally have checked the fire, and would thus have saved us a good deal of discussion."
"What can you expect, Niklausse? There is nothing so illogical as accidents. They are bound by no rules, and we cannot profit by one, as we might wish, to remedy another."
It took Van Tricasse's companion some time to digest this fine observation.
"Well, but," resumed the Counselor Niklausse, after the lapse of some moments, "we have not spoken of our great affair!"
"What great affair? Have we, then, a great affair?" said the burgomaster.
"No doubt. About lighting the town."
"Oh, yes. If my memory serves me, you are referring to the lighting plan of Doctor Ox."
"It is going on, Niklausse," replied the burgomaster.
"They are already laying the pipes, and the works are entirely completed."
"Perhaps we have hurried a little in this matter," said the counselor, shaking his head.
"Perhaps. But our excuse is, that Doctor Ox bears the whole expense of his experiment. It will not cost us a sou."
"That, true enough, is our excuse. Moreover, we must advance with the age. If the experiment succeeds, Quiquendone will be the first town in Flanders to be lighted with the oxy——— What is the gas called?"
"Oxyhydric gas."
"Well, oxyhydric gas, then."
At this moment the door opened, and Lotche came in to tell the burgomaster that his supper was ready.
Counselor Niklausse rose to take leave of Van Tricasse, whose appetite had been stimulated by so many affairs discussed and decisions taken; and it was agreed that the council of notables should be convened after a reasonably long delay, to determine whether a decision should be provisionally arrived at with reference to the really urgent matter of the Oudenarde gate.
The two worthy administrators then directed their steps towards the street door, the one conducting the other. The counselor, having reached the last step, lighted a little lan-